Center for Progressive Reform

Daniel A. Farber

 Daniel A. Farber is the Sho Sato Professor of Law, Director of the California Center for Environmental Law and Policy, and Chair, Energy & Resources Group, University of California, Berkeley.

Professor Farber’s expertise is in the area of Cost-Benefit Analysis, Climate Change, and Constitutional Law.

Professor Farber has served on the Board of Directors for the Minnesota Civil Liberties Union, as a Law Clerk for Justice John Paul Stevens, United States Supreme Court, as a Law Clerk for Judge Philip W. Tone, United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, and on the Litigation Committee, AAUP; AAUP Special Committee on Confidentiality in Tenure Review. Professor Farber was also an Associate at the firm Sidley & Austin (Washington DC).

Daniel Farber has written several books on environmental law, including Disasters and the Law, (Aspen Publishers, 2006, with Jim Chen), Eco-Pragmatism: Making Sensible Environmental Decisions in an Uncertain World (University of Chicago Press, 1999), Environmental Law in a Nutshell (West Pub. Co., 1st ed. 1983, 2d ed. 1988; 3d ed. 1992; Japanese translation, 1992; 4th ed. 1995; 5th ed. 2000 [with R. Findley]), and Environmental Law Cases and Materials (West Pub. Co., 1st ed. 1981, 2d ed. 1985, 3d ed. 1991, 4th ed. 1995, 5th ed. 1999; with 1983, 1988, 1993, and 1997 Supplements; Teacher's Manuals 1992 , 1995 and 1999) [with R. Findley], 6th ed. 2003 [with R. Findley and J. Freeman]; 7th ed. 2006 [with J. Freeman and A. Carlson].  His recent book publications include Public Choice and Public Law (Economic Approaches to Law), Elgar 2007, and Retained by the People: The ‘Silent’ Ninth Amendment and the Constitutional Rights Americans Don’t Know They Have, Basic Books, 2007, as well as a number of book chapters on constitutional law and judicial decision-making. Professor Farber’s recent articles include Justice Stevens, Habeas Jurisdiction, and the War on Terror, in the U.C. Davis Law Review 2010, Rethinking the Role of Cost-Benefit Analysis in the University of Chicago Law Review 2009, and Adaptation Planning and Climate Impact Assessments: Learning from NEPA’s Flaws, in the Environmental Law Reporter, among many others from a wide range of legal topics.).

Daniel Farber
University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley CA 

The Center for Progressive Reform

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© Center for Progressive Reform, 2013