A number of CPR Scholars are advocating an "ecosystem services" approach focused on restoring and maintaining the natural resources that protect public values.
Executive Order 12866, from which springs OIRA's vise-like grip on regulation, turned 20 in October. CPR Member Scholars marked the occasion with a blog carnival.
CPR's Alice Kaswan offers principles for policy-making around climate change adaptation that respects environmental justice.
Most of the Chesapeake Bay states are falling behind in efforts to meet Bay clean-up deadlines, says the EPA. Read CPR's Issue Alert.
The largest estuary in North America, the Chesapeake Bay is home to more than 3,600 species of plants and animals. But after years of pollution abetted by political failure, the Environmental Protection Agency has forced the issue, imposing new pollution limits in cooperation with the states in the region. Read about CPR Member Scholars' work to save the Chesapeake.